As most of the church family knows I have never been a big fan of country music. My music of choice growing up was rock and roll beginning with The Beatles. But after they broke up I kind of fell into the genre that was more a mix of rock and folk music: Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young; Simon and Garfunkel; James Taylor. The standard greats on the country scene were never on my radar, except the half dozen jokes I repeated about nasal voices, trains, and 3 chord wonders.
Then my nephew, Mark Farrington, started playing guitar and writing songs. He not only called himself “country,” but he had the audacity to wonder why people thought the Beatles were so great. Yet he was my nephew. And I had to admit I liked his songs. But my enthusiasm was for him and not for the “country.” (This can be clearly illustrated by the fact that when he opened for Willie Nelson I went to hear him play, but I left before Willie came on stage.)
I am making this confession in order to announce that Mark has agreed to do a summer concert here in Amber to help us observe our 200th anniversary as the Amber Congregational Church. We are holding the concert at the Amber Inn. All of you who have read our church history know that the first organizational meetings held back in 1824 to establish the Amber Religious Society took place at the Amber Inn. It was there that the plans were made to construct our church building. It only seemed right, therefore, to ask the only other still existing town establishment to host this event for us. Not only were they glad to do so, but you are encouraged to enjoy their delicious menu items as you listen to the music.
The concert is not basically a Christian concert, nor is it a secular concert. And although I used the word “country” in the advertising in order to attract all of you who love this style of music, it really isn’t a country concert. What I am hoping and praying for is a good time event where God’s people gather to listen and enjoy some music in the outdoors. Our musician is a fine Christian who writes and sings about life, life that is lived through joys and sorrows, through the routines of farming, fishing and county fairs, and is shared with friends and family as the generations come and go. I think you will enjoy the concert and it may even make you realize that what we share together by God’s grace, is a “pretty good life.”
Join me at the Inn on July 14 at 4:00. Mark will also be singing in church that Sunday morning, so see you in Worship.