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Shorelight Newsletter - In the Life of our Church

Visit often to learn more about our activities and our focus on Worship, Christian Education and Outreach.


Our Communion (The Lord's Table) Schedule for 2024 is as follows:

First Sunday in Epiphany - January 7

First Sunday in Lent - February 18

Maundy Thursday - March 28

Second Sunday in Easter - April 7

First Sunday in Pentecost - May 26

Mid-Summer - July 7

First Sunday in Kingdom - August 25

Covenant Renewal Sunday - September 8

World Communion Sunday - October 6

All Saint's Sunday - November 3

Thanksgiving Sunday - November 24

First Sunday in Advent/Christmas - December 1

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July Birthdays and Anniversaries



    Teal Trendowski (2)

    Dorothy Herold (2)

    Dan Wheeler (4)

    Brianna Wolf (4)

    Cathy Smit

     Josh Brewer (6)

     Mark Henderson (10)

     Brogan Donovan (10)

     Matthew Southard (11)

     Jim Frary (23)



     Chuck Donovan & Kim Vile (7)

     Mike & Marilyn Fish (10)

     Jason & Megan Wright (12)

     Hugo & Margaret Isensee (14)

     Jeff & Jenn Schultz (15)

     Tom Fetterman & Cheryl Schulte (16)

     Dan & Adele Reagan




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Worship News


   This summer we will be doing a series of sermons from the book of Nehemiah.  The preparatory Sunday readings for these sermons are noted by chapter.  I would like to suggest you spend the summer reading and rereading this short book in order to think clearly about the next phase of our church story. 


Nehemiah: Rebuilding the Kingdom

The Time, The Task, The Practice


Jun 23 – Post-Exilic & Post-Christian (Neh. 1:1-4, Ps. 143:1-12)

Jun 30 – Confession & Permission (Neh. 1-2, Ps. 150:1-6)

Jul   7 – Participation & Opposition (Neh. 3-4, 6-7, Ps. 7:1-17) 

             Mid-Summer Communion

Jul 14 – Desire & Obedience (Neh. 5 & 8, Ps. 14:1-7)

Jul 21 – Worship & Confession (Neh. 8-9, Ps. 20:1-9)

Jul 28 – Covenant & Cost (Neh. 10-11, Ps. 27:1-14)

Aug  4 – Corrections & Accountability (Neh. 12-13, Ps. 34:1-22) 


   Remember if you can’t be with us on a Sunday morning, we  do post  an  audio  and  a  video  of  the Worship Service on our church website (  This is not a live stream, and it may take us a day or two to get it up on our site, but check it out.  


   The average Worship attendance for the month of June was 58.  The budget for 2024 is $128,150.  Our present offerings now total $65,814. 



Country Music Concert - Mark Farrington

July 14, 2024  (4:00 – 6:00)

At the Amber Inn - Otisco Valley Road, Amber, NY


Mark is the composer and lead singer for the band Cattle Call.  His music is described as original roots country.  He has been playing his original songs throughout the northeast and has garnered several awards from the Maine Country Music Association.  He has opened for national artists including Willie Nelson and Asleep at the Wheel. 


The concert is free and open to the public.  It is sponsored by the Amber Congregational Church which is celebrating its 200th Anniversary.  Their first organizational meeting was held at the Amber Inn in 1824.  Both establishments continue to exist in our little village providing refreshments for body and soul.



 200th Anniversary Celebrations



   The plan has been to celebrate our 200th Anniversary all year long. We have already begun in some significant ways to observe the year, but there are more things coming.  Here is a quick rundown of what we have started and what lies ahead.


  A monthly part of our anniversary memories is in the shared poems from the pen of Connie Amidon, our 2024 Amber Church Poet Laureate.  Each month we place in this newsletter and read in our Sunday Worship one of her poems. They enable us to recall some of our past members and the times shared with them.  The poem for July is below.  


  We are happy to report that we have been granted approval for a New York State Historical Marker which will be posted in front of the church building to identify our church as a point of interest for tourists.  This will provide an external indicator of our long-standing existence in the village of Amber.  


  And as most of you now know we have been taking everyone’s picture after our Sunday Worship to be included in a new Church Pictorial Directory.  If we don’t have yours contact Cathy Smith (315-456-9198,


   We have anniversary coffee mugs that we are now offering for sale, the proceeds being given to missions.  The Amber Church Cookbook is still in process as are the plans for our major anniversary meeting to be held in September. We have a lot to celebrate and a lot to thank God for in the life of our church.  Join in to whatever you can and share the joy.  And remember, if you haven’t yet gotten your free copy of the book “A History of the Amber Congregational Church” just stop in and get one at the church office.  



2024 Amber Church Poet Laureate 

Connie Amidon


   The July poem is about Madeline Angelo.  I do believe that Madeline epitomized what a Christian is called to be.  All who knew her loved her, and all of us grieved together when she lost her battle with cancer in May of 2011.  At that time she only had one grandchild, Sophia, and she was still very young.  Madeline loved her but she knew that she would not live to see her grow up.  So we thought that perhaps the best gift we could give to Madeline was to make sure that Sophia heard what all the rest of us thought about her grandmother.  Thus began the Sophia Project.


   The Sophia Project was our attempt as a church to let Madeline know how her life had affected ours and to also share this in written form with her granddaughter, Sophia.  So we collected our shared memories and put them in a book to give to Sophia.  


   I am not sure how many people contributed to this project, but before Cathy Smith put them all in a beautifully designed scrapbook, I took each one up to Madeline and read them to her.  The book was then given to her to pass along to her daughter, Chris, and then to her granddaughter, Sophia.  These are our continuing tributes to the life of one who showed us Jesus. Connie’s poem is entitled “A Poem for Madeline.” 


A Poem for Madeline

(Connie Amidon)


Madeline, Madeline, what can I say?  

You were here yesterday and gone to heaven today.

Madeline joined the church forty-two years ago.  

Oh where, oh where did the time go?


Her and David changed many, many lives you see, 

     so everyone could become closer to God, I do believe.

She taught Sunday School for many years, 

     was always there to wipe away someone’s tears.


Her family and church were such a part of her life, 

her sickness never showed, she endured the strife.

Her personality can’t be duplicated by anyone.

I truly wish I could be like what she’s become.


She always had a good word for everyone she knew, 

     wouldn’t talk about anyone no matter what they do.

She and David, asparagus they would grow, other vegetables also. 

They would give it to everyone they know. 

My Mom and Dad couldn’t wait for it to grow. 

They made sure my folks got some, that’s for sure.

Flowers were always growing all around their home. 

Lots of Sundays she would bring some to church 

     so the pulpit wasn’t left alone.


Madeline taught me many, many things without even knowing it. 

Our Friendship Circle, the Wednesday Fellowship Luncheons, 

     and Saturday Night Supper Club just to mention a few.

“What can I do?” “ What can I make?”

She was always there to do her share, and then some.


Rick and Lois, her dear, dear friends, 

     were always there for her until the very end. 

She loved them more than they could ever know,

     no that’s not true, I know that they know.


She loved her sisters, Wanda, Muriel, Donna and Wendy,

     so very, very much.

Her brother Roderick, they would always keep in touch.


Christine and Corey, her children you see, 

     were her gifts from God to her and David.

She was so proud of them, the best that a mother could be.

Then there’s Sophia, her pride and joy! 

We at church couldn’t wait to see her latest picture, 

     Madeline always had one for us to see.


Last, but not least, David was her rock, 

     the love of her life.

Inseparable as they were,

     the most loveable couple that I ever met.

They lived for each other whatever they did.

If people would do more of that, 

     our world would be a better place, and that’s a fact.


Oh, one more thing, I’m remembering. 

If you drove down the road you would see her and David walking, 

     through wind, rain or snow, 

it didn’t matter, away they would go.

It brought them closer to God you see, 

with all the things God made, the trees,

     the land, the water, the sky.  

It was their time to appreciate it all.


It’s been very hard for me to write this, 

     but I know that Madeline would be glad that I did.

I know a lot of it doesn’t rhyme, 

     but who will know after a time.

I have always loved Madeline

     and she knew that because I always told her 

     what an inspiration she was to me. 

Now I guess I will leave it at that. 

I love you, Madeline.



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