Amber Congregational Church
Loving relationships that are committed to God, accountable to each other, involved in Christ’s transforming work in our world.
Our Beliefs
Apostles Creed
Often in our Sunday worship we recite together the Apostles’ Creed. This historic old statement describes the basics of our shared beliefs. We stand in the orthodox or evangelical tradition. We believe that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that he alone created all that is. We believe that our relationship with God is based on Christ’s death and resurrection and our response of faith. We believe the local church is the present expression of God’s kingdom and that it must actively seek to call the world to Christ. We believe in the ultimate triumph of God over all the earth. We believe that the Scriptures are our standard for faith and practice.
Our Freedom
To be a Congregational Church is not to be exclusive but rather it is to be free. Congregationalists believe that each local church has the authority and the responsibility to govern itself under Christ. Our denominational affiliation with the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference provides us with a measure of accountability and enables us to share in joint missionary endeavors and other works of Christian service. We gladly recognize other denominational churches as being our brothers and sisters in faith. Our own local fellowship includes people from a variety of church backgrounds. We enjoy a freedom that recognizes the essentials of Christian faith and cherishes the beauty of diversity in expression and practice. In a true sense we are a community church.
Our Worship
Continuing the heritage that our fathers have passed on to us, we see public worship as the foundation of church life. Before anything else we desire to be worshipers of God. Each Sunday we assemble to sing praise to God, to read his Scripture and to attend to the proclaimed Word.
The sacraments of the church, baptism and the Lord’s Table, are times for special celebration. We practice an open communion that encourages all who love Christ to gather around his table and give thanks for his gifts to us. We observe communion the first Sunday of each worship season and at other special occasions during the year. Baptism is administered upon recommendation by the Elders. It is always a time of joy as we dedicate and re-dedicate ourselves to God.
In addition to Sunday worship we meet regularly in smaller groups for teaching, for support and for fellowship. We extend to you an invitation to join us for any of these meetings as well.
The Mission of the Church is the Kingdom of God - Read More
Serving at ACC
Pastor James Vespoli
James is the new minister of Amber Church. He and his wife Julia moved here from New Jersey. They have a baby on the way and a Goldendoodle named Pie.
Board of Trustees
Cheryl Curtis, William Simmons
(term expiring 2025)
David Heath, Andy Henderson, Doug LaFrance, Laurie Just-Torrance
(term expiring 2026)
Mike Curtis, Teal Trendowski
(term expiring 2027)
Board of Elders
Cathy Smith, Faith Stopyro, Deb O’Brien
(term expiring 2025)
Mark Henderson,
(term expiring 2026)
James Frary, Nancy Barber
(term expiring 2027)
Ministry Directors
Christian Education - Interim Director - Rick
Chaffee, interum (2025)
Outreach Director - Cathy Smith (2026)
Worship Director - Nancy Barber (2027)
Samaritan Fund Committee
James Vespoli, Cathy Smith
(permanent members as the Minister and
Outreach Director)
Faith Stopyro
(terms expiring 2025 - elected by the
Jim Frary, Gail Frary
(terms expiring 2025 - appointed from the
Elders and Trustees)
Mark Henderson, Cheryl Curtis
(​terms expiring 2026 appointed from the
Elders and Trustees)
The Church as a Safe Place - Six Points for Discussion - Read More
Nominating Committe
David Angelo, Mark Henderson (Chairperson)
(terms expiring 2025)
Deb O’Brien, Lynn LaFrance, Cindy Casler
(​terms expiring 2026)
Other Officers / Appointed Positions (all 1 year terms)
Clerk - Cheryl Schulte
Treasurer - Gail Frary
Financial Secretary - Faith Stopyro
Assistant to the Treasurer and Financial
Secretary - Jenn Schultz
Ministerial Relations Chairman - Mike Curtis
Overseer of Greeters - Deb O’Brien
(appointed by the Worship Director)
Overseer of Acolytes/Nursery – Nancy
(appointed by the Worship Director)
Librarian - Cheryl Curtis
(appointed by the Education Director)